Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Kerja Kosong

I know right now "musim konvo", obviously can tell sebab UiTM punya convocation is around the corner, so basically others Uni pun sama jugak.

Okay gais, dah convo so status akan turn to fresh graduate, which in urban way we call Freshie! *di-pronounce gedik sikit* , okay kalau baru masuk Uni, freshie ni memang kegemaran abang abang senior, wakil wakil sukan Uni yg turun pusat sukan training every evening, tak lupa juga abang abang kesatria atau pun suksis atau Rotu atau apa sahaja unit beruniform yg pangkat banyak dah calit dkt bahu. Seriously you girls kalau freshie dkt Uni mmg ON market la. But, kalau freshie to vacancy, sorry, you are OFF market. Sorry gais, but yah org kata, more experience you have the merrier people will offer you job. Gitu. 

Okay so jangan down, this entry bukan nak bagi yg xdpt kerja lagi hilang hope. Nope. This entry is about PRE-CAUTION, PERINGATAN, BEWARE, LANGKAH BERJAGA_JAGA.

Okay cerita ni semalam, betul betul masa aku dkt kedai tgh cut my hair. Background music ketika itu sedikit gampang sebab dum dum dum macam aku dlm disco. Which obviously kalau org call aku without knowing where I am, akan terbayang imaginasi nakal aku dimana. So I was so sleepy, while the hairdresser kusyuk dgn kerja dia, suddenly telefon bimbit ku berbunyi. Yes I am between job now, aku ada kerja but I quit sebab dilema antara tak suka that work, nak sambung study, and kahwin. Okay sebenarnya saja tambah part kahwin nak bg nampak mcm byk pilihan. Walaupun aku mcm dilema nak apa dlm hidup, still aku moderately hunting a job yg mungkin kalau ada rezeki, aku dpt kerja baru, who knows? So yah, the call is for an interview invitation. 

The conversation goes like:

They : Hai Ezreen saya dpt your resume dlm Jobstreet, Sy call dr Pro n Service, bla bla bla utk position Admin Exec bla bla, Kita ada walk-in interview dkt KL Sentral. Boleh tulis tempat interview?

Me : Huh? Tulis? I have no pen, Can you just email me the details?

They: Oh kita bagi maklumat by call sahaja.

Me : Hold on *mintak pen dekat hairdresser*, okay give me the address.

They : Bawak resume yada yada yada Opposite Plaza Sentral, Lift Block 2A Tingkat 7.

Me : Okay thanks.

Bagi details by call? SERIOUSLY? What do you expect? Me to write down all the information?
I am so sorry though aku ni naive, tapi ada masa aku tak bodoh and alert. The first thing aku buat is check my application dkt Jobstreet and there is clear enough I DID NOT apply any admin exec position for Pro n Service company. Tapi that time aku macam rilek lagi.

Biasa la org between job, dpt call for interview mesti la ada itu bunga sikit dlm hati. Walau 2 interview dah aku tak pergi. bahahahaha. So aku mula fikir kenapa they did not send any details dkt email. Even masa aku just doing my internship dgn MAS dulu, they hantar a few of confirmation mail utk pastikan aku accept the offer. Mcm tu jugak dgn Berjaya-Sompo. Few times gimme a call, lepastu bukak Gmail pun banyak dpt email. Pastu aku macam nak sedapkan hati,

"Nevermind company kecik kot sebab tu tak pakai email"

And then aku terfikir balik, there is once I do apply for Financial Consultant position dkt Damansara and alhamdulillah they accept me and that company mmg kecik sbb office pun dah mcm apartment je aku tgk. But they at least give me an email. Confirmation mail. The manager himself bagi phone number sebab senang utk aku confirm kan my acceptance. 

Then aku mula rasa something wrong somewhere, aku search dekat google nama company and DAYUM! guess what i found? 

list of SCAMMED COMPANY. and that Pro n Service is one of it.

Ya tuhan, aku mengucap panjang je. Speechless bila baca blog and the comment as well, Yg aku sedih nya, the caller is a Malay Lady. Lepastu yg urus interview pun a Malay Lady. Kenapa terjebak dgn kerja kerja macam tu. Why? Kenapa perangkap freshie? Kenapa perangkap org between job? I am okay though tak kerja sebab simpanan duit dr aku kerja aritu still ada and cukup utk my leisure lagi setakat ni. Tapi bayangkan those yg terdesak tgh cari kerja? Mcm aku mula mula dulu lepas grad desperate gila nak kerja. Mesti tak fikir apa dah, mesti terus gigih je pergi interview.

Aku fikir banyak kali gak nak buat entry ni, tapi disebabkan ada ramai kwn yg between job sekarang. Korg BE CAREFUL, dpt calls dr interview jgn cepat nak tweet "Alhamdulillah call for job interview"     -.-"
Selidik dulu company yg offer korg. Mana tempat dia, apa kelebihan dia, mcm mana nak reach there, kalau ada blog tulis psl that company, cuba rajin rajin kan diri sikit utk baca review. Eleh, baca IG Review kemain gigih, jgn nak ngelat eh. 
Lain lah kalau dpt position dkt establish company, mcm MAS ke, Berjaya-Sompo ke. Ewah, riak! HAHAHAHA

Its okay to be choosy in finding a job,
tp bkn choosy dr segi gaji je,
timbal balik semua aspek.
Gaji, location, safety, benefits, working hour,
and yg paling penting,
kerja yg kau suka.
So you don't have to wake up every Monday and say,
"Bila nak Jumaat ni?"

Dah la menipu,
lepastu boleh call aku harini tanya kenapa tak dtg interview.
Serious la siap call?
Gila gigih -.-"

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