Thursday, August 6, 2015

IEjourney - our little one :')

Since our marriage, 2 month has passed. Kejap je rasa masa berlalu, yet so many things happen. It is never been nice being a wife. Ah, mungkin sebab baru lagi ye dak? people around me used to say that always. ALWAYS. Baru kawen mesti la best, tgk la bila dah lama nanti. Hmm, why you people must say so? Bila perempuan belum kawen, kemain sibuk tanya bila nak kawen and yada yada but bila da kawen, OTHERWISE? Come on society, stop all those silly assumptions and expectations. Tak payah busuk hati dgn menyibuk mengata life orang itu ini, can we? 

Yin, remember that you write this entry just to remember how much blessings Allah has pour on you.

After two weeks of my marriage we receive one happy news, I'm pregnant. Takde muka org lain yg boleh lawan muka bahagia Nik. No word can describe how happy he is :') Aku? Every mom know how it feels bila dpt tahu about first pregnancy :')

While little one still inside me :')

Memang tade niat  post any of my pregnancy picture on public till I safely deliver our little one. Tapi siapa je boleh duga benda yg nak jadi. Dalam banyak banyak dugaan, I can bet you this one, ain't easy one :'( Nasib baik jugak tergerak hati nak amek gambar perut tgh membesar on hari raya. Ok la that's not little one je inside me, of course termasuk rendang lemang ketupat palas.

According to my lmp, after 9 weeks I carry our little one....

I admitted at Hospital Serdang:'( 

Seteruk besedih hati because of miscarriage, terus hancur hati dapat tau carrying Ectopic pregnancy. NO ONE, I repeat NO ONE YANG HAVING NORMAL PREGNANCY know how it feels, so you better don't open your mouth and say shits towards those who fated carrying Ectopic pregnancy. Enough with all advise yg this one tak okay this one not good this one this this one that. Normal pregnancy JAUH BERBEZA dgn ectopic pregnancy, We need to undergo surgery yg tebuk 3 holes at our tummy. Korang yg normal pregnancy either deliver normal or caeser and after that your baby will be at your arm. We are not like you, bukan lose our baby je, we probably lose our Fallopian tube as well :'( So you are nothing like us and we are nothing like you. Stop comparing I beg.....

Now, its already 9 days after the operation and my wound getting well. Well la kan sebab boleh tulis blog dah hahaha. Cepat kan? Tak la sihat sepenuhnya tipu sgt lah kalau sihat sepenuhnya. 

9 hari berbanding 9 minggu, I miss my little one.. Dia baik sgt cuma syg dia salah tempat, org kata kalau ectopic perut akan sakit senak sampai nak pengsan because according to the size of it should be aku dah sakit gegila dah. Tapi no pain at all. Aku boleh balik kampung, selesaikan kenduri belah Nik, aku boleh melawat sedara mara belah Nik, boleh pergi sana sini settle kan semua hal yg tak settle. Alhamdulillah langsung tak sakit perut, tade langsung tanda tanda ectopic. My little one being so nice :')

Good life is about having good company.

Alhamdulillah, Allah bagi aku kawan kawan,
tak ramai, tapi yg ikhlas berkawan.
Terima kasih :')

To love of my life, Nik Izzham,

I am sorry for what had happen to our baby :'(
Sy tau awk sedih, sy triple quadruple lagi sedih, 
Semoga Allah sentiasa panjangkan jodoh kita
Semoga awak sentiasa terima sy yg kurang ni.
You know how much my love towards you, love.

Allah hadiahkan org yg sabar dlm hidup kau yin,
appreciate it..

dah yin jangan sedih,
atleast kau tau kau boleh pregnant.
Allah nak uji sikit je ni, sbb Allah syg kau.
Allah tau kau kuat, kau boleh terima semua ni
Sebab tu dia pilih kau yg hadapi semua ni. 
Jgn risau, 
little one nnt boleh jumpa dkt syurga 
kan sweetheart? :')
come on yin!
you have one more tube,
semoga yin pregnant lagi, AYUH!

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