Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Please, be careful with my heart

I have been tempting to do this entry like for my lifetime. Ok lifetime tu tipu. It is not, the actual reason is, I can't sleep. Nice job tummy, after you give me this whole 'lapar-gila-ghazal-utk-rabiah' sound and I fed u, suddenly u kacau mata utk tidak meneruskan kerja beliau yakni tidur.

So what to do? Blogging! yeah! Okay no one read my blog dah, so cheer yourself up ezreen! -.-"

I have promise myself not to make any of my private life matter go public. Well, I bet batu belah batu betangkup boleh makan aku sekarang sbb I'm about to break my own promise.

Hey awak, saya tau sy dah put you through a lot. Awal kenal lagi dah kena hadap macam2. Yg ironi nya kita penah diperkenalkan to each other and rasanya penah walk passed through each other but I didn't remember you, well , you didn't remember me either, do you?
Thank you sbb taking consideration to be friend with me. Yes saya tau niat asal awak nak kawan dgn saya and nothing much. Biasalah org awesome mcm saya ni mmg ramai yg nak bekawan. mihihihihi. And yah, I like being your friend, walaupun always kena bahan dan bertekak mulut almost all the time -.-"

Ada la jugak yg tanya kenapa jadi sangat secretive this time. And a few question from the friend of mine selalunya I skip it and ubah topik. Some people assume that I am not acknowledge the person that I currently close with to the public. But hey, he is not my boyfriend. Yes, bukan pakwe kita.

He is my partner. Yes, rather than boyfriend, I call him partner, pasangan saya :)

I met him early end of last year
How, when, why we met, let's keep it low. 
Everyone love dessert to be served at the end of the story, isn't it?
Just kalini, please doakan yg baik2 kay?
Thank you :*

Haaa! ada org bagitau kita,
"Forget how much it hurts, and try again"

Past story hurts me like hell lot! oh bukan hurt je,
its RUIN me!
and then I met you and you say
"kenapa la kita tak kenal sebelum ni?"

I'm not good at much, but I'll be good to you

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